Protecting the charge in your disposable or rechargeable batteries is important to develop customer confidence in their performance, or presenting an attractive packaging to generate sales. Precision Products Group (PPG) has the manufacturing capabilities to create a
battery sleeve insulation product that meets your dielectric and weight requirements.
A variety of proven insulating materials are at our disposal including
- Mylar
- Polyethylene Teraphthalate (PET) – Available to No Shrink (NS), Low Shrink (LS), and Heat Shrink (HS) varieties
- Electrical Kraft
Options including packaging labeling, shipping protection and custom sizing ensure your electrical storage device is properly insulated and stores a reliable charge your customers expect. Our history of spiral-wound tubing solutions and experience with working with leading insulating materials gives you a superior product at an economic price.
Contact us today to see how your business can benefit with a partnership with PPG.